5 Tips For Helping Children Conquer Their Anxiety
Written by Dr Kaylene Henderson
Many of us watch on as our little ones feel anxious at times, wishing we could magically make their anxiety disappear. Surely their lives would be easier, their days calmer and their moods happier if we could…

Why our children should be stressed
Written by Dr Kaylene Henderson for Camp Australia ahead of the Principal Insight Series Event
Important links:
Resilience refers to our ability to bounce…

Guiding Young Children’s Behaviour
“We are all more likely to do good when we feel good”
Whenever I reflect on times in my life when I haven’t been terribly well behaved, I’m reminded of the truth in this statement. Our emotions tend to have a significant influence…

Understanding the impact of childhood trauma
The topic of childhood trauma is a difficult one to discuss. Not only is it confronting to consider children’s experience of trauma and abuse but naturally this topic can be triggering for many adults too. Yet it’s important that those who…

A Parent’s Guide to Media-Marketing and the Thinness ‘Ideal’
How To Help Your Child Understand Media-Marketing, Advertising And Body Image
Have you ever wondered how to help your child navigate the media minefield of advertising and body image? Do you find it difficult to teach your daughter about…

Speech and Language Development and Delays in Young Children
Children are learning to communicate with us even from birth and their understanding of language begins soon after.
Speech and language development plays a critical role in children’s social development, their behaviour, their learning…

Screen Time Recommendations for Infants and Young Children
Media use in preschoolers and school-aged children has been linked in studies to health problems, language delays, attention issues, aggressive behaviour and sleep difficulties. There have been fewer research studies in children under the age…

Talking With Children About Body Safety
Just as we teach children about road safety and ‘stranger danger’, it’s important to teach our children about body safety. Statistically, children are at greater risk of sexual abuse than being hit by a car or abducted by a stranger. Yet…

Talking With Young Children About Death
Has your child experienced the death of a loved one?
Helping a young child to understand and deal with death can be challenging for parents.
Here are some tips that you might find helpful when speaking with your young child about death:

Helping Toddlers Bond With New Baby Siblings
Siblings are such an incredible gift for young children yet strangely toddlers don’t always seem to appreciate these gifts as much as we think they should. In fact I'm sure many toddlers sometimes wish they could 're-gift' their new baby siblings.…