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Welcome to Dr Kaylene Henderson’s course page.

You’ve reached the future location of the course series entitled Raising Good Kids: Managing Behaviour and Emotions in 0-5s, a research-based online course designed to teach practical skills.

The course site is currently being finalised, and will soon be launched. If you’re keen to learn more about managing behaviour and emotions in young children, these video-based online courses are for you. With complementary courses for parents and early childhood professionals, it is hoped that these courses will benefit you and the young children in your care, by fostering skills and confidence.

For Parents

For Professionals

Register Your Interest

Your interest in the Raising Good Kids course series is appreciated. If you provide your email below, you’ll receive an update shortly, when the courses are ready for purchase. You’ll also be kept informed about Dr Kaylene Henderson’s upcoming events, course updates, and other news.

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