Raising Good Kids Online Course Series
Managing Behaviour and Emotions in 0-5’s
To help meet the need for an ‘instruction manual’ for parents of babies and young children, Child Psychiatrist Dr Kaylene Henderson has developed the acclaimed online course series, ‘Raising Good Kids: Managing Behaviours and Emotions in 0-5’s’.
This research-based yet practical course will teach you how to be a more calm and confident parent, how to foster a close bond with and between your children, manage your young children’s challenging behaviours and promote social and emotional skills that will help your kids at school and throughout their lives.
One of the biggest challenges faced by those working in early childhood care and education services is managing the behaviour and emotions of young children.
This online early childhood professional development course series has been developed specifically for childcare and education professionals.
Available to individuals and centres, the course content also links with the National Quality Standards, the EYLF and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
It has also been mapped to the Certificate III and Diploma Early Childhood qualifications.